Well it was my good old friend Sheetal Shah's wedding. i am always thrilled to be at a Gujju wedding cause you get to wear your brightest and loudest and yet look sober and most importantly you get to eat a variety of food stuffs !. i had also gone as my friends was tying the knot mind you!
I was aquainted with sheetals cousins 1,2,3 (names with held for my own saftey) and friends Ajeet,Preeti,Shubham and Mitra and soon we were having a talk on the round table while having food. which went like,
cousin 1: you seen didi's saas? she reminds me of the Hamsa ben from khichadi.
cousin: whatever ya,but sheetal and paras look just like tulsi and mihir.
(mind you cousin 1 n 2 are typical gujju females who have taken pains to finish graduation and are waiting for their rightful right of a grand marriage)
ajeet: (sheetals childhood pal) they look more like kusum and her husband in that red and black combo.
mitra : oh boy these ekta kapoor serial suck! (thank god a sane person!)
ajeet: why u dont watch any daily soaps?
mitra: i do but i watch saath phere n jassi only (e tu brutus?)
preeti: guys u know what for my marriage rahul is getting Parvati Agarwal and Om agarwal from KGGK as the guests at the sangeet!
me: who?
cousin 1: oh my god! kahani ghar ghar ki is coming to u r wedding? please invite me na, i am dying to meet sakshi tanwar.
cousin: rahuls mothers cousin from mumbai has a friend at star who is really close to them, he is getting them to pune for our sangeet.
(till this time i was the only one who went for a second roti and when i came back)
cousin 2: and her little nanand na is typical like that Pia female from kasam se. what a bother na?
me: u guys still talking serials?
ajeet: no just chatting
mitra: general ya
preeti: so rohan...(with lot sugar n spice) when is your sagai ?
me: but doesnt u r wife have to be pregnant for that?
(a silence and a shocked stare from all)
cousin 3 in her sweet 8 year old voice: what does pregaan mean?
me: i was kidding guys! all u r serial stuff so i thought.....(dead stare).....i am sorry there is still time for my sagai.
preeti: hee hee u r funny rohan! (thanks for that)
for a moment i thought now the cousins will talk something else without comparing it to ekta kappoor or anyone's frankeinsteins and finally i will get a chance to speak about politics or business or the new movie with the bull in it, but.......
Shubham: how do you think will sheetal will do at her in laws?
cousin1: well i have told her if they trouble her much just give me a call and i will make their life hell.
ajeet: are! the bhai of her neighborhood is friend of mine , i can tell him solve anything by just one phone call!
me : people its her in laws! u r not giving her to some mafia or torture masters
mitra: are rohan gammat re. u think we really gonna do this stuff? ( hmm so she is sane).... we will tell just inform the mahila mandal and they will take care of it!(brutus u r crossing limits here!)
aunty aka sheetals mom who was hearing the baatcheet came towards us: well u wont have to do that, her in laws are very jolly and good people, i checked ten time so that my daughter doesnt get a Serial Sansural!
cousin 3: rohan da can we get a ice-cream?
i went for the Ice -cream. i took the ice cream. i ran home.